Djerba documentation¶
- Introduction
- Getting started
- Plugins, Helpers, and Mergers in Baseline Djerba
- Plugin, Helper, and Merger directory
- captiv8
- case_overview
- cnv
- core
- expression_helper
- failed_report
- fusion
- gene_information_merger
- genomic_landscape
- input_params_helper
- patient_info
- pwgs.analysis
- pwgs.case_overview
- pwgs.sample
- pwgs.summary
- pwgs_cardea_helper
- pwgs_provenance_helper
- provenance_helper
- report_title
- sample
- summary
- supplement.body
- tar_input_params_helper
- tar.sample
- tar.snv_indel
- tar.swgs
- treatment_options_merger
- wgts.cnv_purple
- wgts.snv_indel
- Reserved Plugin prioritization and dependencies
- Plugin, Helper, and Merger directory
- Examples of configuration files
- Plugin Developer’s Guide
- Methods of plugin objects
- Plugin requirements
- Key methods of plugins
- Other useful methods of plugins
- Djerba configuration with INI files
- Methods of the
- get_config
- get_core_string
- get_core_int
- get_core_float
- get_core_boolean
- get_my_attributes
- get_my_boolean
- get_my_float
- get_my_int
- get_my_string
- get_boolean
- get_float
- get_int
- get
- get_string
- get_my_priorities
- my_param_is_null
- my_param_is_not_null
- param_is_null
- param_is_not_null
- has_my_param
- has_option
- has_param
- set_my_param
- set_param
- set
- set_my_priorities
- apply_env_templates
- apply_my_env_templates
- get_dir_from_env
- get_djerba_data_dir
- get_djerba_private_dir
- get_djerba_test_dir
- Contact Us